Your child's progress

The identification strand of the Balanced System is about information to help you understand how your child is getting on with developing their understanding, talking and communication and when you might need to get further advice if you are worried.  The identification strand will allow you to add to your pathway links to organisations that can help.

I know what to expect and when with my baby's early communication development.
I know what to expect and when with my toddler's understanding, talking or communication skills.
I know what to expect and when with my young child's understanding, talking or communication skills.
I know what to expect and when with my child's understanding, talking or communication skills.
I know what to expect and when with my teenager's understanding, talking or communication skills.
I know what to expect and when with the young adult in my family's understanding, talking or communication skills.
I know where to go if I have concerns about my baby's early communication development.
I know where to go for extra help about what to expect, and when, with my toddler's understanding, talking or communication.
I know where to go for extra help about what to expect, and when, with my child's understanding, talking or communication.
I know where to go for extra help about what to expect, and when, with my child's understanding, talking or communication.
I know where to go for extra help about what to expect, and when, with my teenager's understanding, talking or communication.
I know where to go for extra help about what to expect, and when, with the young adult in my family's understanding, talking or communication.
I know how to find specialist advice and information when my baby needs extra support with their communication development.
I know where to go for specialist help about what to expect and when with my toddler's understanding, talking or communication.
I know where to go for specialist help about what to expect, and when, with my young child's understanding, talking or communication.
I know where to go for specialist help about what to expect, and when, with my child's understanding, talking or communication.
I know where to go for specialist help about what to expect, and when, with my teenager's understanding, talking or communication.
I know where to go for specialist help about what to expect, and when, with the young adult in my family's understanding, talking or communication.

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