General guidance and strategies to develop speech, language and communication
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The resources here will help you reach the outcome: "I know what to do and have the resources to support all children's speech, language and communication."
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Switch off and talk
This webpage and leaflet provides families with information about why switching off electronic devices and talking more is important for children's communication development.
Cost: Free

Parent information, advice and resources - Worcestershire
The Worcestershire Speech and Language Therapy service website provides a comprehensive range of resources, advice and You Tube videos to help parents to support their child / young person at home.
Visit the website to find:
- Information about speech, language and communication
- Free resources you can download and use at home
- Links to our You Tube channel where you will find demonstrations of activities you can do at home
- Further information about the local team, where we work and what services we provide
Cost: Free

Slowing down
Find out how to slow down your talking and understand more about how this can help your child.
Cost: Free

Enquiry Line
The Speech and Language UK Enquiry Service gives parents a chance to discuss questions or concerns about their child’s speech, language and communication development with one of Speech and Language UK’s speech and language therapists. The therapists can give helpful information about children’s talking and communication development as well as tips on improving these skills. They can also offer advice on ages and stages and what can be done to help the child get the right support.
Cost: Free

Afasic supports parents and carers with young children who have difficulties with listening, talking and understanding others. Here is information for you use and to share with families of the children you support. It includes a wide range of information about talking, listening and understanding and what might cause these difficulties. If families are worried that their child is not talking or not saying as much as other children of their age, they can contact Afasic by telephone or email to speak to someone who can help.
Cost: Free

Afasic Parent Helpline
If a parent is worried about their child / young person's speech, language and communication, share this Afasic helpline information so that they can speak to someone who can help by telephone or email.
Cost: Free

Talk together in daily routines
This leaflet provides information for you to use and to share with parents and carers about how to use everyday activities and routines to talk about what children can see and what is happening. Children learn from experiences and activities that happen over and over again. This gives adults a chance to use the same words and sentences many times. Linking these to daily routines will help children to make links between the words, sentences and what they mean.
Cost: Free

Speech and Language UK Ages and Stages
This is a guide to the typical stages of speech and language development in children. Children develop language at different rates. However, understanding what is typical can help you identify speech and language problems early. This page also provides information about how to support children's development.
Cost: Free

Share books
Sharing books is a great way to help a child's talking. Making books part of your daily routine really helps to develop attention, communication and language skills. Use and share this Nottinghamshire Language for Life information leaflet about book sharing as well as many other top tips leaflets to help families you work with understand how to support speech, language and communication.
Cost: Free

Language for Thinking
Language for Thinking is a structured approach to develop children’s language from the ‘here and now’ to the ‘how and why’. 50 colour drawings form the backbone of the resource. Written scenarios and question sheets are provided so adults can promote children’s verbal reasoning and thinking skills. The resource can be used flexibly with whole classes as the basis of a literacy lesson. With small groups or individual children it can be used as an oracy or literacy task.
Cost: £

Universally Speaking 5-11
Universally Speaking is a series of booklets for anyone who works with children and young people. The booklets show where children should be with their communication skills at any given age. You can use the booklets to find out whether the children you work with are on the right track, what helps them learn to talk and listen and what to do if you have concerns about any of their communication abilities.
Cost: Free

What Works database
The Communication Trust worked with the Better Communication Research Programme to develop the What Works database of evidenced interventions to support children's speech, language and communication. What Works is endorsed by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists. It supports practitioners to deliver evidence-informed interventions and approaches to support children and young people with speech, language and communication needs.

BCTC Toolkit - Visual Support
Cost: Free

BCTC Toolkit - Effective Communication
Cost: Free

WellComm Toolkit
The WellComm Assessment is for use with any child aged 6-11 years and enables practitioners to evaluate children's language skills, draw up a detailed profile and identify children at risk of having difficulty in developing language skills. It identifies those children who need setting-based monitoring and support and those who need referral to specialist support services. The screen is completed through observation and by asking children to carry out a variety of tasks ensuring that results obtained and conclusions drawn are more accurate than using one approach alone.
The WellComm Big Book of Ideas has been designed for use following a WellComm assessment of any child. It includes general strategies as well as very specific activities to develop and improve children's speech and language skills and can be implemented by any practitioner or parent. The activities are used to develop the particular skills highlighted for support in the assessment - this means that the activities delivered are specific and appropriate to the individual child language development stage and can be used in the school or at home.
Training videos are included in the toolkit.

Lift Lessons 6-14
Digital resources with a focus on teaching keywords in science to empower students aged 6 to 14 with their academic language.

Word Aware
Word Aware is a structured whole school approach to promote the vocabulary development of all children. The resource is of particular value for those who start at a disadvantage – including children with Developmental Language Disorder, Special Educational Needs and those who speak English as an additional language, but it will extend the word learning of all students. It includes activities that can be used in 1-1 or small groups for children who are finding word learning particularly difficult.
Cost: £

Infant Language Link
Infant Language Link is an innovative online package used to identify and support children with mild to moderate SLCN and those new to English. The assessment will also identify any children who may have more severe language needs, such as Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), so that these children can be considered for further investigations and diagnostic assessment with your local Speech and Language Therapy team. Suitable for children aged 4 to 8 years, 500 colourful resources, 12 planned termly language groups, 24 individual teaching plans and 52 handouts for parents make this the most comprehensive SLCN package available for schools.
Cost: £

Junior Language Link
Junior Language Link is an award winning package used to identify and support children with mild to moderate SLCN and those new to English in Key Stage 2. The assessment will also identify any children who may have more severe language needs, such as Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), so that these children can be considered for further investigations and diagnostic assessment with your local Speech and Language Therapy team. Suitable for children aged 7 to 11 years, it focuses on vital higher level language skills such as making inferences, complex grammar and figurative language.
Cost: £

EIF Early Years Library - Recognising and Expressing Emotions
The Early Intervention Foundation's Early Years Library contains booklets covering core social and emotional skills and key practices that can be used to support skill development. The 'Recognising and expressing emotions' booklet provides information about:
- Learning feeling words
- Identifying feelings using facial expressions and body language
- Describing how we feel
- Recognising other people’s feelings
Click here for the Recognising and expressing emotions booklet
Access all booklets in the Early Years Library here:
Cost: Free

EIF Early Years Library - Communicating with others
The Early Intervention Foundation's Early Years Library contains booklets covering core social and emotional skills and key practices that can be used to support skill development. The 'Communicating with others' booklet provides information about:
- Communicating non-verbally
- Engaging in conversation
- Listening
- Greeting others and introducing yourself
- Using polite language
Click here for the Communicating with others booklet
Access all booklets in the Early Years Library here:
Cost: Free

EIF Early Years Library - Language and Listening
The Early Intervention Foundation's Early Years Library contains booklets covering core language and early literacy skills and key practices that can be used to support skill development. The Language and listening booklet provides information about:
- Learning new words
- Using new words in context
- Listening and responding
- Remembering stories
- Answering questions about a story
Click here for the Language and Listening booklet
Access all booklets in the Early Years Library here:
Cost: Free

EIF Early Years Library - Phonological Awareness
The Early Intervention Foundation's Early Years Library contains booklets covering core language and early literacy skills and key practices that can be used to support skill development. The Phonological awareness booklet provides information about:
- Identifying a word’s first and last sound
- Recognising rhyming sounds by listening
- Producing rhyming sounds and words
- Syllable awareness
- Oral segmenting (from words to sounds)
- Oral blending (from sounds to words)
Click here for the Phonological Awareness booklet
Access all booklets in the Early Years Library here:
Cost: Free