I can find out more to develop my knowledge and skills to support children and young people at risk of speech, language and communication needs
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The resources here will help you reach the outcome: "I know where I can find out more to develop my knowledge and skills to support children at risk of speech, language and communication needs."
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Speech, Language and Communication Framework
This professional development tool outlines the key skills for staff working with children to support and develop speech, language and communication skills. It consists of 2 elements, a self-assessment tool and Universal level learning modules. The self-assessment tool enables practitioners to map their confidence, knowledge and skills in supporting speech, language and communication and identify areas for development. The learning modules provide opportunity for practitioners to develop their knowledge in supporting speech, language and communication. A group function is also available to enable audit of a cohort of practitioners to inform training plans.
Cost: Free

Balanced System for Schools and Settings
The Balanced System Scheme for Schools and Settings is a whole system approach to improving outcomes for children, young people, and young adults across the range of speech, language and communication needs for any setting that supports children, young people, and young adults. The framework enables a setting to understand existing need and provision for speech, language and communication and develop provision to address the gaps. The framework supports a setting to demonstrate impact of the support for speech, language and communication.
Cost: £

A Guide to Identification - Worcestershire SLCN Pathway
Identifying SLCN can be problematic for many reasons. Children and young people may have other difficulties as well as SLCN, they may have a wide and complex range of needs and therefore there can be co-occurrence with other diagnoses. SLCN is often considered to be a 'hidden disability'. Some aspects of SLCN are more visible than others, particularly those associated with speech sounds, others are less so. We know that early identification leads to better outcomes for children and young people, so the sooner a need is identified the better.
The Worcestershire SLCN Pathway guide and tools help practitioners to support identification of SLCN.
Download Worcestershire SLCN Pathway's Guide to Identification
Cost: Free

Speech and Language UK Information for Professionals
Speech and Language UK is the children's communication charity which provides training and resources for professionals to develop knowledge, skills and strategies to support children's speech, language and communication skills and needs and links to further information.
Cost: Free

TCT Building a Profile
This document has been designed to guide you in making a referral to speech and language services. Being aware of the different types of speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) will make it easier for you to describe the child's difficulties accurately, enabling them to access the right support as quickly as possible.
Cost: Free

Course Beetle SLCN training
Course Beetle is a provider of workforce training within Education, Health and Social Care and specialise in training which supports practitioners to deliver evidence-based approaches and interventions for anyone with speech, language and communication needs or learning disabilities. Course Beetle Trainers are experienced and knowledgeable and are fully licensed to deliver the courses they offer. Training includes a wide range of CPD masterclasses and courses that be accessed by individuals or organisations. Training in Hanen, Talking Mats and Makaton can be found here.
Cost: £

Communication Supporting Classrooms Observation Tool
Developed as part of the Better Communication Research Programme (2012) following a review of provision for children with speech, language and communication needs, the audit tool is to be used when observing the quality of a learning space from Early Years through the first half of primary school. By auditing the environment, language learning opportunities and language learning interactions, practitioners will be more informed about what they are doing well and what else they could do to support communication.
Cost: Free

Word Aware training
Word Aware is a fast-paced, fun and interactive workshop style day, which will leave you well equipped to start Word Aware in your schools or with individual children. You will leave the day with lots of practical ideas on how to develop vocabulary in your school.
Cost: £

What Works database
The Communication Trust worked with the Better Communication Research Programme to develop the What Works database of evidenced interventions to support children's speech, language and communication. What Works is endorsed by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists. It supports practitioners to deliver evidence-informed interventions and approaches to support children and young people with speech, language and communication needs.

Signalong provides training and resources to assist those with communication difficulties and English as an additional language.
Signalong is a key word sign-supported communication system based on British sign language and is used in spoken word order. It uses speech, sign, body language, facial expression and voice tone to reference the link between sign and word.
Cost: Free & £

Elklan training
Elklan courses are delivered by licensed tutors across the UK. The evidence-informed courses are aimed at practitioners to support their knowledge about how to support children's speech, language and communication. Elklan have also developed a range of courses for parents.
Cost: £

WellComm Toolkit
The WellComm Assessment is for use with any child aged 6-11 years and enables practitioners to evaluate children's language skills, draw up a detailed profile and identify children at risk of having difficulty in developing language skills. It identifies those children who need setting-based monitoring and support and those who need referral to specialist support services. The screen is completed through observation and by asking children to carry out a variety of tasks ensuring that results obtained and conclusions drawn are more accurate than using one approach alone.
The WellComm Big Book of Ideas has been designed for use following a WellComm assessment of any child. It includes general strategies as well as very specific activities to develop and improve children's speech and language skills and can be implemented by any practitioner or parent. The activities are used to develop the particular skills highlighted for support in the assessment - this means that the activities delivered are specific and appropriate to the individual child language development stage and can be used in the school or at home.
Training videos are included in the toolkit.

The Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (ASLTIP) provides information and a contact point for members of the public searching for an Independent Speech and Language Therapist. It also provides members with access to a UK network of SLTs and ongoing professional support.
Cost: £

Talking Mats
Training to use Talking Mats communication symbols tool which is based on extensive research and designed by Speech and Language Therapists. It uses unique, specially designed picture communication symbols that are attractive to all ages and communication abilities and is used by clinical practitioners, carers and support workers in a wide range of health, social work, residential and education settings to increase children, young people and adults' capacity to communicate effectively about things that matter to them.

Speech and Language UK Online Short Course: An introduction to speech, language and communication
This online short course is free and a great place to start learning about children and young people’s speech, language and communication development. It looks at how you can support the development of these skills on a day-to-day basis in your setting, and how to spot children and young people who might be struggling to develop these important skills.
The course is tailored for the needs of practitioners working across all the different education phases. You have the option to access four different pathways – early years, primary, secondary or further education so you can choose which pathway is most relevant to your area of work.
Cost: Free

Makaton training
Information about a variety of Makaton training options including online; face to face and inhouse workshops. This page also provides information about the different levels of training that Makaton offer.
Cost: £