How to make sure children and young people with specialist speech, language and communication needs are identified early and effectively
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TCT Building a Profile
This document has been designed to guide you in making a referral to speech and language services. Being aware of the different types of speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) will make it easier for you to describe the child's difficulties accurately, enabling them to access the right support as quickly as possible.
Cost: Free

Worcestershire Identifying SLCN
Identifying SLCN can be problematic for many reasons: children may have other difficulties as well as SLCN, they may have a wide and complex range of needs and therefore there can be co-occurrence with other labels and diagnoses. SLCN is often considered to be a 'hidden disability'. Some aspects of SLCN are more visible than others, particularly those associated with speech and sounds. Others are less so, for example the child who is experiencing difficulties understanding or using language may appear to be inattentive, passive or even rude. There are children who become very skilled at hiding their difficulties, e.g. by watching other people so they know what to do or by pretending they know when they don't. SLCN may be missed altogether or masked by these other charcateristics.
Early warning signs information available to download.
Cost: Free

TCT Making Effective Referrals
This guidance document can help you to use a systematic approach to decision making, making it easier for you to refer a toddler you support at the right time, with the right information.
Cost: Free

Enquiry Line
The Speech and Language UK Enquiry Service gives parents a chance to discuss questions or concerns about their child’s speech, language and communication development with one of Speech and Language UK’s speech and language therapists. The therapists can give helpful information about children’s talking and communication development as well as tips on improving these skills. They can also offer advice on ages and stages and what can be done to help the child get the right support.
Cost: Free

Afasic supports parents and carers with young children who have difficulties with listening, talking and understanding others. Here is information for you to use and share with families of the children you support. It includes a wide range of information about talking, listening and understanding and what might cause these difficulties. If families are worried that their toddler is not talking or not saying as much as other children of their age, they can contact Afasic by telephone or email to speak to someone who can help.
Cost: Free

Stoke Speaks Out - Sound Development Checklist
An overview of the typical sounds children should be able to use in words at different ages.
Cost: Free