How to enhance my learning environment to support the speech, language and communication of children and young people with more specialist needs
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The resources here will help you reach the outcome: "I know how to enhance my learning environment to support the speech, language and communication of young children with more specialist needs."
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Using visual support
Parents play a key role in supporting their child's language and communication skills in everyday life. Children learn about the world through their experiences and interests particularly within their play. Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust provide information and opportunities for families learn more about developing their child's speech and language - this video introduces how to use visual support to help communication.
Cost: Free

AAC information
A range of information to support use of augmentative and alternative communication approaches. This include the “Focus On…” series of eight leaflets cover topics related to augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). They are available in print copy and as downloadable PDF files.

EarlyBird Programme
EarlyBird is a support programmes for parents and carers, offering advice and guidance on strategies and approaches to working with young autistic children under five years. The programme works on understanding autism, building confidence to encourage interaction and communication, and understanding and supporting behaviour.

EarlyBird Plus Programme
EarlyBird Plus is a support programmes for parents and carers, offering advice and guidance on strategies and approaches to working with young autistic children aged 4-9 years. The programme works on understanding autism, building confidence to encourage interaction and communication, and understanding and supporting behaviour.

Now and Next Boards
Birmingham Community Healthcare Speech and Language Therapists have produced this video to show you how to use a 'now and next' or 'first and then' board to help your child understand what is going to happen next and to encourage them to do what you want them to do. It explains how using pictures can help if children are having difficulties with language.
Cost: Free