Information and advice to help my child / young person who is having difficulty understanding, talking or communicating
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The resources here will help you reach the outcome: "I know how to help my baby's early communication development or where to seek extra help."
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Worcestershire SLCN pathway
The Worcestershire SLCN Pathway is based on the belief that parents are the most important people in a child’s life in terms of making a positive difference to speech, language and communication development at all stages. It provides information to help identify if your baby needs support to develop their communication skills as well as strategies to promote communication skills.
Cost: Free

Tiny Happy People
Tiny Happy People BBC website provides a wide range of information, ideas and activities for parents to use in daily routines to help develop their baby's communication skills. It includes information about what to expect and when as well as activities and games to play to help speech, language and communication. It includes information, ideas and activities for parents of babies with SEND.
Cost: Free

Progress Checker
Speech and Language UK's progress checker provides short questions you can answer to see how your baby is getting on with their communication development.
Cost: Free

Tiny Happy People activities
Tiny Happy People BBC website provides a wide range of information, ideas and activities for you to use in daily routines to help develop their baby's communication skills. It includes activities and games to play to help speech, language and communication.
Cost: Free

Tiny Happy People SEND information
This area of the Tiny Happy People BBC website provides a wide range of information, ideas and activities for parents of babies with SEND.
Cost: Free

Children's Centres
Children's Centres give help and advice on child and family health and parenting. Use this link to find a Children's Centre close to you.
Cost: Free

Parent information, advice and resources - Worcestershire
The Worcestershire Speech and Language Therapy service website provides a comprehensive range of resources, advice and You Tube videos to help parents to support their child /young person at home.
Visit the website to find:
- Information about speech, language and communication
- Free resources you can download and use at home
- Links to our You Tube channel where you will find demonstrations of activities you can do at home
- Further information about the local team, where we work and what services we provide
Cost: Free

Speech and Language UK Ages and Stages
Babies develop communication and interaction skills at different rates. Understanding what is typical can help you identify support needs early. You can also find out how to help your baby to develop their communication skills.
Cost: Free

Speech and Language UK How to support your child
This information about how to support your baby forms part of Speech and Language UK's guide to the typical stages of speech and language development. Children develop language at different rates and understanding what is typical and what you can do to support your baby can help you give them the best start on their journey to developing communication skills.
Cost: Free

Follow the baby's lead
Giving our baby a chance to play with and explore the objects and toys around them gives you the perfect opportunity to follow their lead, see what they are interested in and talk about it. Talking about what your baby is interested in shows them that you value what they are doing and helps them to make links with the words you say.
Cost: Free

TCT Universally Speaking 0-5
Universally Speaking is a booklet with information about typical communication skills, including attention and listening and understanding; interactions and speech. Use the booklet to find out whether your baby is on the right track, what helps them learn to talk and listen and what to do if you have concerns about any of their communication abilities.
Cost: Free

Peep Communication and Language strand - evidence-based parenting programme for parents and babies together to attend together. There is a focus on bonding, attachment and the quality of the home learning environment as well as a focus on communication and language. You have the opportunity to gain 3 credits towards NOCN Learning Together at home.
Peep Early Literacy Strand - evidence-based parenting programme for parents and children to attend together. There is a focus on bonding, attachment and the quality of the home learning environment as well as a focus on literacy. You have the opportunity to gain 3 credits towards NOCN Learning Together at home.
Cost: Free

Labelling and Commenting
Using real word labels and commenting on what your baby is interested in helps them to learn new words. Here NHS Tayside's Rhyming Robin and Chatty and Charlie share information about how to do this as well as many other top tips for learning words.
Cost: Free

Copy, repeat, imitate
Copying your baby's sounds and actions shows them you're interested in what they are saying and doing, encourages them to do more and shows them how conversations and communication works. Here NHS Lothian share ideas of what you can do to help your baby's early communication skills.
Cost: Free

Greater Manchester 10 Tips for Talking
The Greater Manchester (GM) 10 Tips for Talking are ten key messages to support the development of language and communication skills for babies and young children and can be used by everyone. Each tip is designed to give families and anyone working with children some small suggestions that can make a big difference and help give children the best start. Each message is based on sound research and is delivered by children.
Cost: Free

Makaton sign and symbol resources
These free Makaton resources are available for you to access and use to support communication with your baby. These symbols and signs help you to provide extra information and clues about what you are saying as well as support the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening and understanding.
Cost: Free

Small Talk
Small Talk helps parents turn the activities they are already doing with their baby every day into new opportunities to build communication skills. It includes a website featuring simple videos, tips and information to help chat, play and read with their baby. The activities include ideas around meal times and other daily routines.
Cost: Free

Using visual support
Parents play a key role in supporting their babies language and communication skills in everyday life. Children learn about the world through their experiences and interests particularly within their play. Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust provide information and opportunities for families to learn more about developing speech and language - this video introduces how to use visual support to help communication.
Cost: Free

Watch, wait, listen and respond
Watching, waiting, listening and responding is a powerful way that we can help babies develop early communication skills. Waiting for babies to take their turn or share what they are interested in can be difficult when we are busy getting on with life. However it is key to giving babies opportunities to play the communication game. This leaflet and video from the Speech and Language Therapy Service in Greater Glasgow and Clyde outlines why and how to wait and respond. It forms part of a wider series of useful information for parents, carers and professionals.
Cost: Free

What to expect, when?
Guidance to your baby’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage.
Cost: Free

Learning more than one language
Many children grow up learning more than one language. This information leaflet from NHS Forth Valley provides you with useful information and top tips about what you can do to help your baby on their way to being bilingual or multilingual.
Cost: Free

Speech and Language Chatter Matters
This series of videos for parents and carers outlines how speech, language and communication skills develop; what families can do to support their baby; how these skills develop over time; children with speech and language needs and how to access information and support.
Cost: Free

National Literacy Trust Bilingual quick tips
The National Literacy Trust has produced a series of bilingual quick tips for parents and practitioners to help children develop good talking and listening skills. There are lots of different languages. Copies can be downloaded and shared with families.
- Say hello to your new baby
- Dummies and talking
- Talk to your baby and child in your own language
- Making the most of television
- Talking with your baby
- Sharing songs and rhymes
- Playing with your baby
Cost: Free

Family Nurse Partnership
Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is a home visiting programme for first-time young mums and families. It will help you to have a healthy pregnancy; improve your child's health and development and plan your futures.
Cost: Free