Where to go for extra help about what to expect, and when, with my child / young person's understanding, talking or communication skills
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The resources here will help you reach the outcome: "I know where to go for extra help about what to expect, and when, with my toddler's understanding, talking or communication."
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Worcestershire SLCN pathway
The Worcestershire SLCN Pathway is based on the belief that parents are the most important people in a child’s life in terms of making a positive difference to speech, language and communication development at all stages. It provides information to help identify if your toddler needs support to develop their communication skills as well as strategies to promote communication skills.
Cost: Free

Progress Checker
Speech and Language UK's progress checker provides short questions you can answer to see how your toddler is getting on with their speech, language and communication development.
Cost: Free

Afasic My Child Isn't Talking and I'm Worried
Children develop and learn to talk at different rates – some more slowly or quickly than others. However, there are key milestones to look out for and it can help you to know how talking develops, what happens and when. Here Afasic provides information on identifying who can help; first steps to getting help and support; gathering information and keeping a record and questions to ask professionals.
Cost: Free

Speech and Language UK Ages and Stages
Toddlers develop speech and language at different rates. Understanding what is typical can help you identify speech and language support needs early. You can also find out how to help your toddler learn to talk and develop their communication skills.
Cost: Free

Afasic About Talking
Afasic supports parents and carers with young children who have difficulties with listening, talking and understanding others. Here you will find information about: talking, listening and understanding; the terms used to describe these skills; how to recognise if your toddler may have difficulties in these areas; some of the terms used to describe types of difficulties; what might cause these difficulties and the impact that this may have on their development

Enquiry Line
The Speech and Language UK Enquiry Service gives you a chance to discuss questions or concerns about your child’s speech, language and communication development with one of Speech and Language UK’s speech and language therapists. The therapists can give helpful information about children’s talking and communication development as well as tips on improving these skills. They can also offer advice on ages and stages and what can be done to help your child get the right support.
Cost: Free

Afasic Parent Helpline
If you are worried about your child / young person's speech, language and communication, contact Afasic by telephone or email to speak to someone who can help.
Cost: Free

Speech and Language UK How to support your child
This information about how to support your toddler forms part of Speech and Language UK's guide to the typical stages of speech and language development. Toddlers develop language at different rates and understanding what is typical and what you can do to support your toddler can help you give them the best start on their journey to developing communication and language skills.
Cost: Free

TCT Universally Speaking 0-5
Universally Speaking is a booklet with information about typical communication skills, including attention and listening and understanding; interactions and speech. Use the booklet to find out whether your toddler is on the right track, what helps them learn to talk and listen and what to do if you have concerns about any of their communication abilities.
Cost: Free

What to expect, when?
Guidance to your toddler’s learning and development in the early years foundation stage.
Cost: Free

Speech Link Parent Portal
The Speech Link Parent Portal offers you advice, information and activities for developing your children’s understanding, talking and listening. It includes information about speech, language and communication, how these skills develop, activities and top tips videos.
Cost: Free

Speech and Language Chatter Matters
This series of videos for parents and carers outlines how speech, language and communication skills develop; what families can do to support their baby; how these skills develop over time; children with speech and language needs and how to access information and support.
Cost: Free

Stoke Speaks Out - Sound Development Checklist
An overview of the typical sounds children should be able to use in words at different ages.
Cost: Free