How to make changes and give specific help at home with my child / young person's understanding, talking and communication
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The resources here will help you reach the outcome: "I know what changes I can make at home to help my toddler with their particular difficulties with understanding, talking or communicating."
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The Hanen Centre Parent Programmes
The Hanen Centre's programmes for parents are delivered by Hanen Certified speech and language therapists. They are delivered through activities and group discussions - small groups of parents learn how to use everyday opportunities to improve their child's speech, language and communication skills. Hanen provides families with the tools they need to help their child reach their full communication potential. Hanen has developed parent programmes for Language Delays and Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Using visual support
Parents play a key role in supporting their toddler's language and communication skills in everyday life. Children learn about the world through their experiences and interests particularly within their play. Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust provide information and opportunities for families to learn more about developing their toddler's speech and language - this video introduces how to use visual support to help communication.
Cost: Free

EarlyBird Programme
EarlyBird is a support programmes for parents and carers, offering advice and guidance on strategies and approaches to working with young autistic children under five years. The programme works on understanding autism, building confidence to encourage interaction and communication, and understanding and supporting behaviour.

Now and Next Boards
Birmingham Community Healthcare Speech and Language Therapists have produced this video to show you how to use a 'now and next' or 'first and then' board to help your child understand what is going to happen next and to encourage them to do what you want them to do. It explains how using pictures can help if children are having difficulties with language.
Cost: Free

Communication Boards
Birmingham Community Healthcare Speech and Language Therapists have produced this video to show you how to use communication boards through play and everyday activities to supporting understanding and as a way to allow your child to communicate with you.
Cost: Free

Widgit provides symbols that you can use to support communication such as creating communication books to share information; visual timetables to support understanding of structure and routine; task boards to support independent learning; pictures to develop vocabulary and to support children learning English as an additional language. Here you will find more information about how to use symbols at home to help communication and independence. It also include resources and ideas to get you started.