I can find out more to develop my knowledge and skills to support children and young people with specialist speech, language and communication needs
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The resources here will help you reach the outcome: "I know where I can find out more to develop my knowledge and skills to support toddlers with specialist speech, language and communication needs."
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Speech, Language and Communication Framework
This professional development tool outlines the key skills for staff working with children to support and develop speech, language and communication skills. It consists of 2 elements, a self-assessment tool and Universal level learning modules. The self-assessment tool enables practitioners to map their confidence, knowledge and skills in supporting speech, language and communication and identify areas for development. The learning modules provide opportunity for practitioners to develop their knowledge in supporting speech, language and communication. A group function is also available to enable audit of a cohort of practitioners to inform training plans.
Cost: Free

Balanced System for Schools and Settings
The Balanced System Scheme for Schools and Settings is a whole system approach to improving outcomes for children, young people, and young adults across the range of speech, language and communication needs for any setting that supports children, young people, and young adults. The framework enables a setting to understand existing need and provision for speech, language and communication and develop provision to address the gaps. The framework supports a setting to demonstrate impact of the support for speech, language and communication.
Cost: £

Speech and Language UK Information for Professionals
Speech and Language UK is the children's communication charity which provides training and resources for professionals to develop knowledge, skills and strategies to support children's speech, language and communication skills and needs and links to further information.
Cost: Free

TCT Building a Profile
This document has been designed to guide you in making a referral to speech and language services. Being aware of the different types of speech, language and communication needs (SLCN) will make it easier for you to describe the child's difficulties accurately, enabling them to access the right support as quickly as possible.
Cost: Free

Course Beetle SLCN training
Course Beetle is a provider of workforce training within Education, Health and Social Care and specialise in training which supports practitioners to deliver evidence-based approaches and interventions for anyone with speech, language and communication needs or learning disabilities. Course Beetle Trainers are experienced and knowledgeable and are fully licensed to deliver the courses they offer. Training includes a wide range of CPD masterclasses and courses that be accessed by individuals or organisations. Training in Hanen, Talking Mats and Makaton can be found here.
Cost: £

Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
The RCSLT support speech and language therapists by providing leadership, setting professional standards, facilitating research and promoting better education and training. They are the professional body for people working in or studying speech and language therapy in the UK.
Cost: Free

Health and Care Professions Council
The HCPC regulate health and care professions including Speech and Language Therapists. They do this by setting standards for professionals' education, training and practice; keep a register of professionals who meet their standards and take action if professionals on their register do not meet their standards. Here you will find their register.

What Works database
The Communication Trust worked with the Better Communication Research Programme to develop the What Works database of evidenced interventions to support children's speech, language and communication. What Works is endorsed by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists. It supports practitioners to deliver evidence-informed interventions and approaches to support children and young people with speech, language and communication needs.

Signalong Training
Signalong provides training and resources to assist those with communication difficulties and English as an additional language.
Signalong is a key word sign-supported communication system based on British sign language and is used in spoken word order. It uses speech, sign, body language, facial expression and voice tone to reference the link between sign and word.
Cost: Free & £

Elklan training
Elklan courses are delivered by licensed tutors across the UK. The evidence-informed courses are aimed at practitioners to support their knowledge about how to support toddler's speech, language and communication. Elklan have also developed a range of courses for parents.
Cost: £

The Hanen Centre
The Hanen Centre offers evidence-based interventions and professional development opportunities to early childhood education professionals. Their training programmes and interventions provide practical, naturalistic approaches for promoting the social, language and early literacy skills of preschool children.
Cost: £

AAC information
The “Focus On…” series of eight leaflets cover topics related to augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). They are available in print copy and as downloadable PDF files.

The Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice (ASLTIP) provides information and a contact point for members of the public searching for an Independent Speech and Language Therapist. It also provides members with access to a UK network of SLTs and ongoing professional support.
Cost: £

Developing Joint Attention
Birmingham Community Healthcare Speech and Language Therapists have produced this video to show you how to help develop your child's joint attention - this means being able to focus on the same thing as you at the same time. How to help your child developing joint attention through play is broken down to help you easily understand what to do step by step.
Cost: Free

Hanen Professional Development Programmes
The Hanen Centre offers evidence-based professional development opportunities to early childhood education professionals. These training programmes provide practical, naturalistic approaches for promoting the social, language and early literacy skills of preschool children.
Cost: £

Makaton training
Information about a variety of Makaton training options including online; face to face and inhouse workshops. This page also provides information about the different levels of training that Makaton offer.
Cost: £

NeuroSENse explainer - Facts and Myths about Deafness
This blog and video aims to raise awareness of several misconceptions related to deafness and language development and promote a better understanding of the barriers to language and communication that children with deafness can encounter.